My Top 10 Favorite Podcasts: Summer 2020 Edition

My Top 10 Favorite Podcasts: Summer 2020 Edition

I was the guest speaker on a business radio show a few weeks ago, and one of the attendees asked me to mention a few of my favorite podcasts.

Being the podcast junkie that I am (I’ve been listening since before the term was coined in 2004), I was surprised that I somewhat drew a blank when asked this question. I promised her I’d do a post about it later, so here it is.

But first, a few things to note:

  • As of July 2020, there are over a million different podcasts worldwide
  • I’m currently subscribed to 150 different podcasts
  • Podcasts frequently come and go

My favorite topics range from business strategy, entrepreneurship, marketing, influential leadership, and personal development, to more philosophical topics like metaphysics and the law of attraction. So if you’re not into that stuff, my list probably won’t appeal to you.

I usually listen to podcasts while running and working out, so my ideal criteria are as follows:

  • the average episode length is 20 minutes or less when listening at 1.5x-2x speed
  • high-quality audio
  • energetic and uplifting
  • very few or no ads
  • content with lots of “meat” and less small talk
  • interesting guests with thought-provoking takeaways
  • a variety of topics within the niche (not just the same thing over and over)
  • consistent publishing

So with that said, here’s my current top 10 list:

Joe Polish’s podcasts – particularly Genius Network, 10X Talk, and I Love Marketing. There’s some overlap and I get value from all of them, so I lumped them into one slot on this list.

Leveling Up – Growth Everywhere Daily Business Lessons with Eric Siu, and Marketing School with Neil Patel and Eric Siu. Again, some overlap but I find both very beneficial.

The Mindvalley Podcast with Vishen Lakhiani

Refusing to Settle with Clark Kegley

Building a Story Brand with Donald Miller

How I Built This with Guy Raz – I love good entrepreneur origin stories.

Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman, founder of LinkedIn

Built to Sell Radio with John Warrillow – Both of his books are also must-reads for every business owner.

Stitched for Success by Monica Allen – Full disclosure: The host is my business & life partner, but I have nothing to do with her podcast, with the exception of my guest interview on one episode.

The Influential Personal Brand Podcast with Rory and AJ Vaden – I’m new to this one, but solid content so far.

I listen to many other podcasts, but those above are my current top 10 based on the aforementioned criteria. I also have some other favorites that would have made this list, but they haven’t published an episode in a while.

Not to mention, there are several niche podcasts that I listen to about franchising, apparel business, public speaking, learning other languages, etc. that might be more appropriate for a different post.

I’m always looking for good suggestions for new podcasts. Given my interests, what are some you’d recommend? Please let me know in the comments.

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